3/8 visual composing

Michael West & Samuel Zamor

1. We favored searching for and using images of inanimate objects such as globes and handguns for our poster. Our main venue for images was Google.
2. We focused on choosing images that could communicate with anyone in the world, mostly through simple and universal visuals.
3. Our original desires for the poster would have featured more text, but we decided that this would run against our goal of the poster being accessible to a global, multi-lingual audience. Our final design ran against our initial notions that text is typically the best route for mass communication. 
4. We were inspired by our earlier work with visual ethics in SA5, and working on SA5 gave us familiarity with the constraints we faced in this activity. 
5. It is a very difficult task to create a meaningful piece of visual rhetoric for a global audience, and written language is one of the worst means to engage with a very wide audience.
