Re-mediation and Beyond Prison
Beyond Prison is the digital project that I chose to discuss for this post. On the website, the creator decided that his or her’s main focus was going to be on the 7 different kinds of programs that are currently available to those who are currently incarcerated and the youth who too may be at risk of being incarcerated. The site starts off with an introduction tab that gives us diagrams and charts filled with statistics of those who are currently incarcerated. While navigating through the website, I noticed that the creator provided stories which gave me the idea that he or she did this to get people to empathize and sympathize with these individuals. This site includes à wide range of people: women and men who are incarcerated and it includes children which I thought was important.
In chapter two of Susan Delagrange’s Technologies of Wonder: Digital Practice in a Rhetorical World, I learned about remediation and quickly realized that it is simply another word for remix. Susan offers two definitions for the term “the representation of one medium in another” (23.) and “the formal logic by which new media refashion prior media forms” (23.) Simply put, people will use one mode of media and change it up a bit and this will create a remediation. The re-mediated product ultimately influences the original product in a new way. The concept we call remediation has been around for quite some time now, “speech was re-mediated as writing” (Delagrange 23.) Nowadays, we see we see remediation in texts being altered into digital media. Remediation can be seen as progressive because people are using ideas from an older form of media and making it modern by transferring it over to a much more modernized form of media.
Beyond Prison is the perfect example of remediation because it uses written texts and places it in a digital media. The entire site resembles that of a power-point presentation. There is scrolling like you would have in any other website and there is texts but there are also visuals such as charts and diagrams. The site also implemented power-point like power-point animation effects like the spinning, sliding, and the fading in and out. I think this would make remediation as progressive because it is visually appealing to views and it is “out with the old and in with the new” styles of media. I also think that this site falls under Delagrange’s idea of immediacy which is “the sense of immersion in or on “liveness” of the medium. This digital media was quite lively and captivating.
ReplyDeleteBeyondPrison is the digital project that I chose to discuss for this post. On the website, the creator decided that his or her’s main focus was going to be on the 7 different kinds of programs that are currently available to those who are currently incarcerated and the youth who too may be at risk of being incarcerated. The site starts off with an introduction tab that gives us diagrams and charts filled with statistics of those who are currently incarcerated. While navigating through the website, I noticed that the creator provided stories which gave me the idea that he or she did this to get people to empathize and sympathize with these individuals. This site includes à wide range of people: women and men who are incarcerated and it includes children which I thought was important.
In chapter two of Susan Delagrange’s Technologies of Wonder: Digital Practice in à Rhetorical World, I learned about remediation and quickly realized that it is simply another word for remix. Susan offers two definitions for the term “the representation of one medium in another” (23.) and “the formal logic by which new media refashion prior media forms” (23.) Simply put, people will use one mode of media and change it up à bit and this will create à remediation. The remediated product ultimately influences the original product in à new way. The concept we call remediation has been around for quite some time now, “speech was remediated as writing” (Delagrange 23.) Nowadays, we see we see remediation in texts being altered into digital media. Remediation can be seen as progressive because people are using ideas from an older form of media and making it modern by transferring it over to à much more modernized form of media.
BeyondPrision is the perfect example of remediation because it uses written texts and places it in a digital media. The entire site resembles that of a powerpoint presentation. There is scrolling like you would have in any other website and there is texts but there are also visuals such as charts and diagrams. The site also implemented powerpoint like powerpoint animation effects like the spinning, sliding, and the fading in and out. I think this would make remediation as progressive because it is visually appealing to views and it is “out with the old and in with the new” styles of media. I also think that this site falls under Delagrange’s idea of immediacy which is “the sense of immersion in or on “liveness” of the medium. This digital media was quite lively and captivating.