Feb 13: Spectacles & Girl Empowerment

Dear All Good ENG 4815 Folks:

In preparation for our discussion of Wendy Hesford's cross-cultural "spectacle" next week, I'd like you to spend some time really browsing these projects:

Given that we're trying to think beyond dichotomies -- or, at least, to not have our theorizing be guided only by diabolical assumptions (e.g., good/bad, right/wrong, innocent/guilty, positive/negative, etc.) -- I'll ask that we be willing to consider these as text, message, and discourse. Please give yourselves at least 30 minutes to view, browse, and reflect on these prior to Tuesday's class, and you might consider the following critical challenges:
  • What questions does each site or clip inspire us to ask?
  • How does each site or clip narrate a development story? A representation story?
  • Who controls the various narratives or representations?
  • What key concepts are complicated or illuminated by the arguments of each site or clip? 
  • How might these sites or clips function as "spectacle"? As "discourse"?
  • How might we play a role in the delivery of these spectacles or discourses, even if we don't think they are "ours"?
  • Anything else we should consider?

For good measure, here are two spaces in which we may work over the next couple of weeks:

See you on Tuesday!
-Dr. Graban

postscript after class: Some of our board notes (terms, terms, and more terms!)

[photo credits: J. Knowlton -- click to enlarge]